What Hypnosis Can Do For You

With hypnosis you can manage pain, stop smoking, manage weight, overcome fears and apprehensions, and break bad habits.

Are you ready to change your mind to change your life? If not now...when? CALL ME NOW @ 513 276-6852 FOR A FREE CONSULTATION.

Member The American Alliance of Hypnotists

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Hypnosis, in the most general terms, is a heightened state of suggestibility. That’s what it is. Now there’s a normal state of suggestibility. People walk around in varying levels of suggestibility all the time. We’re more suggestible to professionals, with regard to the topic of their profession. We will just accept what they say, without rejecting it. If we’re in unique situations where we don’t know anything about it, we tend to be more suggestible to those who are in charge, and so on. So even in normal, waking consciousness, I don’t even like that word waking. In normal suggestibility, there’s varying levels of suggestibility, but hypnosis is a heightened state of suggestibility, where we purposely go from normal levels of suggestibility, to a heightened level of suggestibility.
Now, this is a really good definition, if we understand what suggestibility is. So, in order to define hypnosis, we need to define what suggestibility is, and what a heightened state of suggestibility is.
By the way, before I go on, what hypnosis is not; hypnosis is not sleep. We now understand that. We have some misnomers in the profession, and there are some techniques that are built around the concept of sleep. But we understand now that hypnosis is not sleep. If you use the word the sleep, it’s just shorthand. It’s just a signal that means, go deeply, relax with your eyes closed, as if you were asleep. But, we never want to confuse sleep with hypnosis, because hypnosis is a heightened state of suggestibility.
So what is suggestibility? How a person is able to accept suggestion, which varies according to one’s receptiveness at the time. So either you are receptive to suggestion, or non-receptive and reject suggestion. So at any time, in normal consciousness, we have varying levels of suggestibility. Then I go on to say, the greater the suggestibility that an individual is experiencing, the greater the effect that suggestions offered will effect that person’s perception of reality, including what she senses, such as, touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing.
So as we go from regular levels of suggestibility, which can have an effect on touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing, things can seem rougher if we believe they’re going to be rougher. We can think that smells are going to be stronger if we somehow expect them to be stronger, and so on.
But, in a heightened state of suggestibility, suggestions given by the hypnotist, can also affect habits, emotions, and behavior. In the highest levels of suggestibility, which would of course include hypnosis, and in these highest levels, they’re most commonly thought to be called somnambulistic levels of hypnosis, we can profoundly affect perceptions, including causing amnesia, anesthesia, and both positive and negative hallucinations.
So, there it is. That’s what I want you to think about when you think about hypnosis. If someone says, ‘What is hypnosis really?’ And you can just say, ‘Hypnosis is a heightened state of suggestibility.’ Human beings in the natural, normal, waking state are suggestible; but only so much, in the state of hypnosis, the varying degrees, depending on how deep they are in hypnosis, and particularly when we get into these profound levels of hypnosis, somnambulism, we can affect their beliefs, their habits, and emotions, which causes rapid change in people’s lives.

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Who can be hypnotized?
Anyone of reasonable intelligence can be hypnotized. The only ones who may not be able to be hypnotized are people with severe mental disability and children under the age of four or five, in both cases it's because they may not understand the words the Hypnotist is saying or be able to follow his instructions. If you are able to read a book and follow simple instructions you are hypnotizable, but only if you want to be. The only requirement is the desire to be hypnotized(or at least allow it to happen) plus an understanding of what you need to do in order to achieve the hypnotic state. The degree, however, varies from person to person. 

Am I sleeping?
Actually, it is just the opposite! You are wide-awake. You are very aware under hypnosis. You are actually in a state of what is called hypersensitivity. All of your senses are enhanced, your sight, hearing, taste, smell, emotions. It is closer to a state of day dreaming or relaxing. You will be focused on the words of the Hypnotist and outside sounds will seem to fade away.

Can I get stuck in hypnosis?
No, the hypnotic state can be terminated at any time you choose. It is your choice to enter the state and you can always choose to leave it. If you were left in a hypnotic state by your Hypnotist, you would either return to full consciousness on your own or enter a natural sleep and awaken after a short pleasant nap. There is no "trance" or "being under anyone's power" . That is merely HOLLYWOOD. There has never been a terminal case of hypnosis in the emergency room.

Will I tell you any deep...dark...secrets?
Not unless you want to. It is not a truth serum! If you have a bag of money hidden in your backyard, the secret will still be safe after your session. In fact, there are many that say that you can even pass a lie detector test under hypnosis. 

Is hypnosis dangerous?
No, it is no more dangerous that sitting in a recliner, watching television. The only side effect will be that you will be very relaxed afterwards. Every 15 minutes of hypnosis is equal to approximately four hours of sleep.

Are drugs used? Is it safe? Are there any unwanted side effects?
No, only the natural power of your own mind is used to relieve symptoms and alter unwanted behavior patterns. Hypnosis is non-addictive and safe with no unwanted or unpleasant side effects.

Will I be in control and aware of what is happening?
Yes, all the time. You do not go "out", "under", or "to sleep". You are not unconscious. You are in an alternative state of consciousness with a very narrow focus of attention. You can hear everything that is being said. Nothing happens without your consent. You have absolute control. However, you are extremely relaxed. It will feel as if you are just sitting there with your eyes closed, relaxing.

Will I remember what happens during the session?
Yes, people remember everything they or the Hypnotist said during the session. In rare instances the Hypnotist might need to remind them of one or two points that were talked about in order to trigger off the rest of the memory. It is possible for the Hypnotist to give a posthypnotic suggestion to forget what was said but this is rarely used in hypnosis. 

Is hypnosis suitable for children?
Yes, usually from about the age of five or six, provided they could understand what is being said, they are intelligent and imaginative. Younger children can benefit from the relaxation.

Will the Hypnotist have to touch me?
Some Hypnotist will touch you on the wrist, shoulder, neck, or forehead to test whether you are properly relaxed or to assist you into a deeper state of hypnosis. They will seek your permission first. Other than this form of contact, a Hypnotist has no business touching you. The vast majority of Hypnotist are ethical, and transgressions are very rare.

Will I do anything against my will?
No, you will not do anything that you do not think is acceptable or against your nature. You cannot be "made" to violate your own values or accepted patterns of behavior. You would either reject the suggestions or come out of hypnosis. You will hear everything that is said. You are in complete control at all times.


Monday, July 28, 2014


Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States. (2004 Surgeon General's Report.)

Half of all tobacco users die early.

Tobacco harms every major organ of the body.

Tobacco use causes 75% of lung cancer deaths.

Tobacco use causes most cancers of the mouth, voice box, esophagus, and bladder.

Tobacco is a major cause of problems with sexual function.

Tobacco use causes cataracts and glaucoma.

Tobacco use causes emphysema, bronchitis, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.


No matter how long you have used tobacco; your health will improve.

Within 20 minutes, your blood pressure will be lower, your pulse will be more normal, and your hands and feet will feel warmer.

Within 8 hours, you will have more oxygen.

After 24 hours, you begin to lower your risk of heart attack.

After 2 weeks, your lung function improves. You will cough less and breathe easier.

After 3 years, your risk of heart disease will be almost the same as someone who never used tobacco.

Your sense of taste and smell returns.

Best of all, you will enjoy a freedom from tobacco.